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Explore Tee-pee functionalities

Custom settings

The main advantage of Tee-pee is that the system is customisable to your organisation needs. You can set Tee-pee to suit your organisation and allow users to see and edit the fields that you consider essential. Your organisation can create its organisation hierarchy in the administration settings, set its own preferences for displaying members, the method of registration, the wording of notifications... Moreover, you can create custom user roles and assign them a specific set of rights. If you are missing something in the system, our dynamic team is at your disposal. We can incorporate new requirements into the system.


Online applications and registration

One of the main features that help simplify the administration of onboarding a new member is online applications to the organisation. When joining the organisation, members can easily sign up using the online form. If the user reaches the minimum system age, which you can set yourself, the user will also be able to create their own Tee-pee account with the option to log in to Tee-pee and manage their account. The online application also includes GDPR consents, the wording of which you can adjust according to the age of members.


Unlimited user roles

Tee-Pee provides the possibility to create an unlimited number of user roles. You can assemble individual roles from a rich set of permissions. After saving the user role, it is possible to assign it to selected people. This way, you can customise the roles according to the needs of the members who work with the system. They use what they need, and they are not overwhelmed by other functionalities that they do not need or should not work with. You can use user role settings to your advantage, especially if you have an organisation with a specific hierarchy and want to control who can view, create, edit, delete data, or perform various other actions.


Practical reports

View, export and organize an unlimited number of custom reports. Tee-pee allows you to get an overview of your members in clearly arranged reports that aggregate data across the entire system. You can filter data by different criteria, and then you can choose the type of information you want to generate based on the selected filters. The data will be immediately visible. You can export the table from Tee-pee to excel format and continue working with it.



The calendar of events is an integral part of every organisation, whether you organise courses, public and fundraising events, meetings or training. Unit administrators on different organisation levels can add events, which helps to have an overall overview about events across the whole organisation. It is possible to add or invite people from the system to selected events and manage whether it is a private event only for a certain unit. The organisation members will see the events that are dedicated to them, and if they have created a Tee-pee account, they will also be able to sign up for the event themselves. To get a quick overview of the event participants, you can use the statistics tab, which is updated based on invited and added members.


Parental accounts

If a member of your organisation is a child with an age below the minimum age for using the system, Tee-pee offers to manage a child's account by their legal guardian. During the onboarding process, the legal guardian/ parent can complete the application and at the same time create an account through which they will have access to the information of their child's membership in the organisation. The system also allows you to record the parent's contact information and link the accounts of children and parents. If parents also choose to become members of the organisation, switching their account to a standard member account is just a click away. After the child reaches the minimum system age, their account is automatically switched to a standard member. Then they will be able to manage the account themselves, while they will be required to update their consent to the processing of personal data.


Setting GDPR consents

The GDPR consent is filled in by the member of the organisation when filling in the online registration form. Your organisation can create multiple GDPR consents in the system, eg. consent to the processing of personal data or the publication of members' photographs for marketing purposes. The wording of GDPR consents can be set separately for underaged children and adults. Each member of the organisation with a Tee-pee account has an overview of the consents granted and has the opportunity to revoke or approve them. Should mandatory consent be revoked, membership in the organisation will automatically terminate.


Progress in the organisation

In member's profile, it is possible to record and monitor their progress in the organisation through the program, education and awards tabs. In the settings, it is possible to create individual types of programs, education, and awards. Under these types, you can define a list of specific program modules, educational specialisations, and possible awards that a member can obtain in the organisation. After the types and concrete progress types has been set up in the settings, you can assign the achieved degree of program progress, acquired qualification or award to the members.



In organisations, members hold various positions such as group leader, treasurer, board member, PR representative etc. Each organisation has the chance to create its own specific list of functions that you can assign to individual members. At the same time, it is possible to define which positions are unique or which ones can be assigned to several unit members. Utilising the functionality of assigning functions to individual members will allow you to have up-to-date information about responsibilities throughout the organisation, not just in the organisation's top management.


Automatic notifications and emails

If you work in an administrative role within your organisation, you need to be aware of important changes in the units you manage. You can currently receive notifications about adding a new unit within the hierarchy that applies to you, assigning a function to a member of the unit, expiring a registration link, or revoking a GDPR consent without which you would not be able to work with member's data. These notifications inform all users with roles, and it is up to you which notifications you activate and which you do not. Automatic emails are also sent to members when performing various actions, which helps keep and speed up communication with them.


Functionality magazines

Does your organisation send a magazine or multiple magazines to its members? Tee-pee allows you to store magazine subscription information in member profiles. The member himself or another authorised person can change the type of subscribed magazine, which helps manage the distribution of magazines according to the preference or age category of the member.


Final reports from events

Tee-Pee offers the opportunity to process the final report after the event. Selected fields from the details of the event are automatically added to the final report, and its organiser has the opportunity to add other necessary information for the correct reporting of the event, such as its goal and program. Statistics about event participants are automatically added to the final report. The final report can be saved and sent for approval to the person who has the right to approve them in the organisation. The final reports completed in this way will help the process of reporting activities at the end of the year for internal purposes or state authorities' needs.

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